Mandated Campus Activities


As state agencies there are various programs we are required to either allow on campus or do ourselves. Here is a list of working activities mandated through legislation or decree. To date, those programs are: Armed Forces presence on campus, Constitution Day, disability awareness week, voter registration drives/availability, Title IX training

Armed Forces presence on campus: Information Link

Congress has passed two major pieces of legislation that generally require local educational agencies (LEAs) receiving assistance under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) 1 to give military recruiters the same access to secondary school students as they provide to post-secondary institutions or to prospective employers. LEAs are also generally required to provide students’ names, addresses, and telephone listings to military recruiters, when requested.

Disability Awareness Week: Information Link

RCW 28A.230.158 Disability history month—Activities. Annually, during the month of October, each public school shall conduct or promote educational activities that provide instruction, awareness, and understanding of disability history and people with disabilities. The activities may include, but not be limited to, school assemblies or guest speaker presentations.

Voter Registration: Information Link

RCW 29A.08.310 Voter registration in state offices, colleges. The governor, in consultation with the secretary of state, shall designate agencies to provide voter registration services in compliance with federal statutes.(2) Each state agency designated shall provide voter registration services for employees and the public within each office of that agency.

Title IX: Information Link

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”)2 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in federally funded education programs and activities. All public and private elementary and secondary schools, school districts, colleges, and universities receiving any federal financial assistance (hereinafter “schools”, “recipients”, or “recipient institutions”) must comply with Title IX.3

Constitution Day: Information Link (Financial Aid) / Information Link (Department of Education)

September 17 is Constitution Day and Citizenship Day (Constitution Day). This day commemorates the September 17, 1787 signing of the United States Constitution. Higher education institutions must offer educational programs about the Constitution each year on September 17 (Constitution Day) in order to remain eligible for Title IV funding, thanks to a provision by Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV) that was slipped into a 2004 spending bill.

Updated: 8/9/2021