Legislative Action Agenda

The WACTCSA Legislative Action Agenda is the product of the Legislative Voice Academy. The Agenda is a product of hours of work done on both local campuses, at the Academy and the months following the Academy.

Caucus Platform Development
A platform is a position a student group takes on an issue impacting either their student body or the larger, state-wide student group. Each college is asked to develop a platform that will consist of this information:

  • Issue Title
  • Short issue description. Example: Plastic water bottles are harmful to the environment and our student body believes they should be banned from campus.
  • 3 – 4 sentences describing why this issue is important to students
  • Include in your information whether this issue impacts just your college’s students, students in the region, or students state wide.
  • Include whether you want a law passed or if you believe the issue may be addressed with a policy statement.
  • Include any data you have used to develop your issue; like surveys or information from research you have done.
  • Each group should be able to address questions from the larger body.

During the Academy
Platforms are then presented to the Body and used as the basis for the caucusing exercise. That exercise leads to the development of the Agenda.

  • An effective tool for presenting your issue is to use presentation boards or video.

The Agenda will move forward to the State Board and other significant state groups for development and incorporation into individual college legislative platforms for 2019-2020 legislative session. The experience will focus on real, live issues and dialogue that will continue during the 2019-2020 academic year.

Previous Year’s Legislative Action Agendas

Student Voice Issues Archives
This archive is intended to catalog the student issues presented at each academy and serve as a legacy page. The contents of the document are listed in order of MOST to LEAST support as determined by number of votes as the annual academy. The 2014 document is available for download below.